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The Importance of Business Planning

por rootuser

Most business owners know that operating a business without a plan is like riding a bike up a cliff blindfolded. According to different studies, more that half of businesses do not have a formal plan.

Creating a business plan takes time and effort, and it is crucial to consider the requirements of your intended audience when you write it (for instance, if you’re seeking investors, your plan will require more diligence than a business plan that you’re only using as a guideline for yourself). Although no plan can predict the future, a well-crafted plan can help you avoid common mistakes and makes it easier for you to make the most of opportunities, and provides a framework for success–even if you do not follow it precisely.

A good business plan starts with a short overview of your company’s history and the reasons you are starting this venture and how it will meet the market’s needs. It should also address any unique intellectual property you have which gives your business an advantage. This section may also include an articulation of your mission as well as a list of key team members’ roles and responsibilities and the business’s goals.

The next section explains the products and services you’ll provide, how you plan to offer them and the pricing strategy you will use. It is recommended to include a comprehensive analysis of your finances here, which reveals the cost of starting, how you plan to generate revenue, and your timeline for profitability.

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